Property Management Blog

Important Lease Enforcement Options Property Owners Need to Know

Important Lease Enforcement Options Property Owners Need to Know

2021 figures from the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute showed that Salt Lake City had the tightest apartment market in its history. The area is so desirable that prices went up while housing availability went down.

The trend has continued since then. It's also led to a rise in concessions such as a month of free rent. These get tenants in the door, but they might not attract the right ones.

How can you keep your property full and make sure tenants follow the rules? Read on to learn about the best lease enforcement options in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Create a Clear Lease Agreement

Your lease agreement should cover everything related to living on the property, including:

  • Who's on the lease
  • When it begins and ends
  • Where the security deposit is held
  • Rental amount and due dates
  • Late fees
  • Other fees and conditions

A clear agreement prevents violations due to simple misunderstandings. It's the foundation on which all your other lease enforcement strategies stand.

Use Preventative Measures

Tenant screening is one of the best ways to ensure tenant lease compliance. It helps eliminate irresponsible tenants. You'll be left with ones who'll follow the lease and pay rent on time.

The best way to do that is to look into their past. Conduct a comprehensive background check that looks into their:

  • Credit history
  • Criminal history
  • Rental history
  • Eviction history

Regular inspections are also important. They help you spot lease violations before they become a major issue.

Communicate with Tenants

Communication is essential for proper lease enforcement and a positive landlord-tenant relationship.

Explain anything they don't understand about the lease agreement. Send reminders about property-wide events.

Try to foster communication between tenants as well. Create social events and shared spaces. Let them be part of important property decisions.

They'll feel like they have a home, not just a place to sleep. That makes them less likely to violate the lease. They'll also be on the lookout for violations in other units.

Use Lease Enforcement Processes to Address Violations

Rental property rules are bound to be broken. When they are, start by delivering tenants a warning in person or in writing.

If their behavior continues, look to the lease. You may be able to levy fines or penalties. Hiring a mediator may also help you reach a compromise.

Landlord legal rights cover what to do with tenants who repeatedly refuse to comply with a lease. You must provide a three-day notice before you begin eviction proceedings. Come to court with as much evidence as you can.

Hire a Property Manager

Lease enforcement is one of many professional property management benefits.

Managers keep your vacancies down and ensure a steady stream of rental income. They'll also protect your investment from damage and maintain it. You'll save time and make your property more profitable.

Get the Best Professional Lease Enforcement Option in Salt Lake City

The most effective lease enforcement options include clear agreements, presentation, communication, enforcement that gradually progresses, and professional help.

Utah Property Solutions is a veteran-owned and operated full-service property management company. We're dedicated to providing unparalleled service for clients in Salt Lake City and the surrounding areas.

We offer competitive pricing and efficient service. Contact us to reach a member of our highly-trained team today.